Some document links below will be followed by extracts. These extracts will include all material related to zoning in general or to Zoning Redesign. Material related to other ZAP business may or may not be extracted. What is not extracted will be mentioned in comments. Often Zoning Redesign slides and extracts will be introduced simply by ZR.
Pages 9-14 of the VCOD document consist of annotated zoning maps.
The maps are prefixed with the following comment on page 8:
The maps below represent an initial draft of the Mixed-Use Priority Streets (identified by a black line). The maps do not represent any other changes anticipated in version 2.0 at this time.
In other words, the purpose of the maps is to show the Mixed-Use Priority Streets.
The zoning shown is the V1.0 zoning and any changes in that zoning will be shown in future maps.
On 2023-02-15, the City Council met as a Committee of the Whole with the Zoning & Planning Committee Presiding. The meeting topic was:
Request for discussion regarding new MA Building Energy Code amendments and adoption of the Specialized Energy Code
Energy codes were discussed at the prior
2022-12-12 ZAP Meeting.
Boston Globe article {updated 2023-01-17}.
On the first floor, the head will contain a community space with an attached outdoor raised patio deck, an historic exhibit space, and management offices
On the second floor, the head will have office space that is expected to be used by Metro West Collaborative Development, one of the partners in the project
To the west of the apartment section, there will be a lawn and garden area - a small deck and ramp in back will provide access to the lawn and garden area
This estimate was made by finding the area of the rectangle that encloses the apartment section and then subtracting the area of the lawn and garden
We next compute the floor area of the apartments on a typical floor in order to compare that with the footprint above. We use the data from the drawings for floors 2, 3, and 4 since these floors have the most apartments.
1 BR: 608, 608, 635, 720
2 BR: 850, 887, 887, 887, 888
3 BR: 990, 1018
The ratio 8978/12360 or 73% shows the percentage of total floor area that is useful as apartment floor area. The rest of the floor space is used by walls, halls, stairs, elevators, and building utility rooms.
The Boston Globe article gives the estimated cost of the West Newton Armory Project as 29.8 million dollars.
If this cost is averaged over the 43 units, the average is $693,000 per unit.
This link maps to the same location as the link
Community Input on Village Center Zoning given below.
The memo above is superceded by the memo of 2022-08-04:
2022-08-04 ZAP Memo Inclusionary Zoning and Affordable Housing Trust [2 pages]